Okay,since hari ni da masuk keje balik (utk 2 hari je pon, for me jek, Trex still cuti lagik)...rase lain bile 2 hari lepas asik berkepit ke mana2..hahahaaa..=P
So the story is...since I have to travel all the way from Nilai to Subang kena la bgn awal kan..set la jam kul 5.20 am (nk gerak dr rumah kul 6 am, so bole sampai Subang kul 7 gitu)..sekali terjaga tgk2 da pukul 6, so mmg mandi kamben (mcm x biasa la)..Trex still tidur x sedar diri..lepas mandi kejut die since he made me promised last nite to kejutkan die skali (he wanted to have bfast together sebelum aku g keje)...Da kata pon lambat bgn kan,,so mmg x bfast la.tapau nasi lemak je..tapi bile tgk ade org terkulat2 pandang dgn muke mamai x sampai hati weh!!!...so tanya Trex nk bfast gak ke? tido je la dlu..nnt je la bfast...sekali Trex jawab, xpe la,u x bfast i pon x bfast la..tunggu u jek...(sudaa, aku blk ptg kot!!)....So dgn lajunye capai la ape yg ptt siapkan jugak la bfast Trex, and die pon laju je ke meja makan and.....makan sorg2 as I told him I really have to go now kalo x lambat sampai..nk travel jauh weoouhh,,plus hari Isnin lak tu,for sure jam jalan.Tapi....all the way from Nilai to Subang aku asik teringat aduuhhh,kesiannye laki aku..makan sorg2..mcm xde bini!! (fine, aku mmg dramatik....tp if u`ve been married for 2 days and have to tinggalkan ur husband alone awal2 pagi, tgk die sanggup bangun awal semata2 nk bfast sama tp in the end u wont bother to makan sebab risau x sempat sampai office. I FEEL SO GUILTY. SERIOUSLY!!!!.....waaaa,nk balik cepat....=(
p/s--> Aku mmg hati kering..=P
Monday, November 14, 2011
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
.Last Post as Miss A.
So in the next entry its gonna be Mrs bukan Miss lagi..I am so excited, definitely...banyak new problem yg arise but nothing can let me down at the moment as somebody said "Senyum sampai ke telinga"...hahhaha...we have gone thru so much to get here so I am definitely going to enjoy this moment....thx to the haters yg try nk spoilkan my mood, n yang try nk spoilkan my wedding,,sorry u are sooo x berjaya..and I wish u jumpe jodoh cepat ye,,xpayah la nk hasad2 dengki sume ni,setiap org ade bahagian sindri...=)
Till then.....=)
Ohh...thx kepada yg mendoakan..(thx jugak for the early presents)...=P
Till then.....=)
Ohh...thx kepada yg mendoakan..(thx jugak for the early presents)...=P
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
.Last date...=D
Oh yeah, we spend our last date on 29 Oct..(huhuhu, sedey kot..lepas ni xde dating as fiance/fiancee da)..the word itself pon x gune da...had a quick lunch, pastu since ade org baru dapat lesen mancing balik trus nk shopping fishing gears yg baru..kah3..(gilers lawak ar mamat nih, i did tell u i ade hijack his fishing gear kan? bukan ape, mamat ni mancing x hengat dunie, next time jumpe for sure badan belang2, tu yg kena simpan batang mancing die tuh..)...oh yeah, he did bought a few boxer jugak, katenye nk challenge total number of my undies..(well, he seems terkezut tgk total numbers of my undies bile tolong i pack brg hari tu..=D). Sorry sayang, u xkan bole challenge i bab tu....=D =D...so bye2 Mr Tunang, Hello Mr Husband..!!! I am sooo looking forward for our future together!!.=D
Well, there`s nothing else I can say at the moment except...HEAVEN!!! Ohmygoshh, xde ape yang lebeh menghappykan selain dari balik rumah (my parents house) tgk my opah dah berkampung kt rumah, tgk deco baru our bilik yg akan dijadikan bilik pengantin (I love the customize kelambu especially..=D =D), tgk baju2 nikah dan baju resepsi yg da siap (unfortunately the veilss x siap lagik, tapi xpe, it doesnt matter..)..and the sambutanssss!!! TQ sahabats dan families!!!! I LOVE U ALL FOR BEING THERE...
p/s--> sorry x bole nk update gambar, ade sedikit isu sensitivity, but to U KNOW WHO U R, tq very much!!! this is the best weekend ever!! TQ again kepada kawan2 yg meraikan...=D =D =D!!!!
To Ara Damansara's gang --> sori2 kite da terlambat nk buat celebration kite, but i will definitely carik tarikh dalam minggu ni jugak...hehhee..=D
Yeah, too many celebrations, pros die bile banyak kali diraikan, cons nye lak sebab tak sempat nk carik tarikh,..to whoever yg did text me and ajak lepaks, shopping,spas tapi i termiss or x sempat..sorry juta2.sumpah bz giler weh..still kite bole jek wat post-celebration kan instead pre-celebration..kah3..same jek weh..=D...tp weh seriously x sangka korang akan contact me balik after few years x jumpe..!!!
Kepada yg request tanya nape x tunjuk pix, sori ar weh, u come to me i`ll show the pix hokeh...!!..ade sedikit isu aurat di situ plus this is sumthing i would like to share only with the girls..(plus Trex xtau langsung weh kite wat benda BP2 ni sume.hahaha..=P)
To the girls (u know who u are)...i lap u so much!!! TQ so much for the experience, turn korang ti aku wat yg sama eh..)
*BP:Bachelorette Party....hushhhhh...(hopefully Trex x nampak ni)..=P
p/s--> sorry x bole nk update gambar, ade sedikit isu sensitivity, but to U KNOW WHO U R, tq very much!!! this is the best weekend ever!! TQ again kepada kawan2 yg meraikan...=D =D =D!!!!
To Ara Damansara's gang --> sori2 kite da terlambat nk buat celebration kite, but i will definitely carik tarikh dalam minggu ni jugak...hehhee..=D
Yeah, too many celebrations, pros die bile banyak kali diraikan, cons nye lak sebab tak sempat nk carik tarikh,..to whoever yg did text me and ajak lepaks, shopping,spas tapi i termiss or x sempat..sorry juta2.sumpah bz giler weh..still kite bole jek wat post-celebration kan instead pre-celebration..kah3..same jek weh..=D...tp weh seriously x sangka korang akan contact me balik after few years x jumpe..!!!
Kepada yg request tanya nape x tunjuk pix, sori ar weh, u come to me i`ll show the pix hokeh...!!..ade sedikit isu aurat di situ plus this is sumthing i would like to share only with the girls..(plus Trex xtau langsung weh kite wat benda BP2 ni sume.hahaha..=P)
To the girls (u know who u are)...i lap u so much!!! TQ so much for the experience, turn korang ti aku wat yg sama eh..)
*BP:Bachelorette Party....hushhhhh...(hopefully Trex x nampak ni)..=P
Friday, October 28, 2011
Bahagia to the max!!
Well, its 14 more days to our solemnization..I AM SO EXCITED!!!
So far for the preparation, alhamdulillah sumenye da setel, so masa nk beronggeng last kopek menghabiskan hari2 dara terakhir..kah3...so Z, jom2 kite wat spa..makcik2 yg berkenaan, jom2 kite layan bbq aka beronggeng part 2 (u know who u are..=D, sori pix x masuk, ade SEDIKIT isu di situ, plus Trex xtau kite kuar...hahaa)
Trex: If u reading this, as promised, kite akan spend our last 14 day in our own ways..so u are free to do wat u want!!! hehehehe...(just make badan x berbelang k, if u know what i mean)...=P, cop, u still have to come help me pack my things this saturday, bring back to ur house and tlg i kemas my bilik sebab pinggang i still sakit..hehehe..=P, oh yeah,,sambil2 tu lets have tea together for the last time (saye nk tgk kamu puas2 sebelum kite jadi laki bini)...=P
So balik ke preparation:
Rumah: done, dari tengah bulan telah disahkan rumah itu milik kami..=), i'll show the pix later...
Barang: done!!
Bibik to kemas rumah while we are away: Booked
Persiapan Resepsi Qila: I'll leave it to Abg Amy the wedding planner..tp die pon senyap jek, so hopefully sumenye ok, my mum da bising sebab kata Abg Amy buat keje relax giler, then Abg Amy bising balik kt I kata my mum kalut x tentu pasal, drama..drama..it runs in the family..=P
Persiapan Resepsi Trex: I'll leave it to Trex mum, she`s so good at it actually..=)
Pre-Honeymoon: partially booked, still x sure nak ke mana..hahaha
Honeymoon : Booked! Hopefully x terstuck kt imigresen....moga2 xde gempa bumi while kitaorg kt sane..aminnn..
Job: He asked my again last nite to change my status to full time house wife,, yo la tu, susah2 aku stadi 4 tahun, tgk2 duk rumah jek..x bole, x bole...hugi weh!!
Ini pon satu isu, somehow I dunno what is in his mind, die asik fikir I dont enjoy my job..ayat die mesti same, "I x kisah u nk buat ape, tp keje tu biarlah yg u enjoy, xmo pening2 kepala..kalo tak duk je rumah, i bole support family kite"...Apekah?? Aku nampak mcm x enjoy keje aku ke?? (well,partially betul kot) So still nk tunggu dpt inspirasi dlu samada nk resign dan trus jd housewife atau resign dan carik keje lain..=D
Oh ye, kalau kate aku cuti lama rupe2nye Trex lagi lama kot..hokeh fine! Excited lebey lak...ade byk benda terjadi dalam proses preparation kahwin ni,tp nnt lepas selesai sume je la baru cte..bukan ape, cerite kang mcm x best lak kan...and yeah, as usual, aku termembazirkan duit die byk kali!! hahaha...rase mcm nk ketuk kepala atas kebodohan diri sendiri..=P
p/s-> He complained I have to many baju, die x muat nk letak baju die (since die lagi gile shopping dari aku, tapi rugi die suke baju hitam jek, baju kaler lain? hmmmpp, bercinta la nk suruh die pakai...)
Ohh, post ni xde pix langsung sebab aku malas..muahahaah..=P
So far for the preparation, alhamdulillah sumenye da setel, so masa nk beronggeng last kopek menghabiskan hari2 dara terakhir..kah3...so Z, jom2 kite wat spa..makcik2 yg berkenaan, jom2 kite layan bbq aka beronggeng part 2 (u know who u are..=D, sori pix x masuk, ade SEDIKIT isu di situ, plus Trex xtau kite kuar...hahaa)
Trex: If u reading this, as promised, kite akan spend our last 14 day in our own ways..so u are free to do wat u want!!! hehehehe...(just make badan x berbelang k, if u know what i mean)...=P, cop, u still have to come help me pack my things this saturday, bring back to ur house and tlg i kemas my bilik sebab pinggang i still sakit..hehehe..=P, oh yeah,,sambil2 tu lets have tea together for the last time (saye nk tgk kamu puas2 sebelum kite jadi laki bini)...=P
So balik ke preparation:
Rumah: done, dari tengah bulan telah disahkan rumah itu milik kami..=), i'll show the pix later...
Barang: done!!
Bibik to kemas rumah while we are away: Booked
Persiapan Resepsi Qila: I'll leave it to Abg Amy the wedding planner..tp die pon senyap jek, so hopefully sumenye ok, my mum da bising sebab kata Abg Amy buat keje relax giler, then Abg Amy bising balik kt I kata my mum kalut x tentu pasal, drama..drama..it runs in the family..=P
Persiapan Resepsi Trex: I'll leave it to Trex mum, she`s so good at it actually..=)
Pre-Honeymoon: partially booked, still x sure nak ke mana..hahaha
Honeymoon : Booked! Hopefully x terstuck kt imigresen....moga2 xde gempa bumi while kitaorg kt sane..aminnn..
Job: He asked my again last nite to change my status to full time house wife,, yo la tu, susah2 aku stadi 4 tahun, tgk2 duk rumah jek..x bole, x bole...hugi weh!!
Ini pon satu isu, somehow I dunno what is in his mind, die asik fikir I dont enjoy my job..ayat die mesti same, "I x kisah u nk buat ape, tp keje tu biarlah yg u enjoy, xmo pening2 kepala..kalo tak duk je rumah, i bole support family kite"...Apekah?? Aku nampak mcm x enjoy keje aku ke?? (well,partially betul kot) So still nk tunggu dpt inspirasi dlu samada nk resign dan trus jd housewife atau resign dan carik keje lain..=D
Oh ye, kalau kate aku cuti lama rupe2nye Trex lagi lama kot..hokeh fine! Excited lebey lak...ade byk benda terjadi dalam proses preparation kahwin ni,tp nnt lepas selesai sume je la baru cte..bukan ape, cerite kang mcm x best lak kan...and yeah, as usual, aku termembazirkan duit die byk kali!! hahaha...rase mcm nk ketuk kepala atas kebodohan diri sendiri..=P
p/s-> He complained I have to many baju, die x muat nk letak baju die (since die lagi gile shopping dari aku, tapi rugi die suke baju hitam jek, baju kaler lain? hmmmpp, bercinta la nk suruh die pakai...)
Ohh, post ni xde pix langsung sebab aku malas..muahahaah..=P
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Toffee is back!!!.=D
Dulu aku kecong canang kat sume org kucing di atas kena catnapped...well, he's back!!..hahahahaa..false alarm jek..hagaknye x puas hati makanan dicatu seketika (byk giler die makan weh,sumpah x tipu)..merajuk ar kejap membawa diri,,tapi x lama pon,sekejap jek..like my mum said , maybe die outstation kot carik duit lebey...kah3..=P
p/s: Luckily he's back, kalo x aku tido sorg malam2...huuuuuuu.Dan sekarang ni die maintain gebus hokeh,,lagi bertambah2 ade kot...since my parents x sampai hati nk tgk muke 5 sen die..so bagi jer la ape die nak...(well, ops merajuk die kire berjaye ler jugak kan)...cuba kalo kite try lari rumah seminggu pastu balik caca merba,,mau x kena marah..hahahha)
p/s: Luckily he's back, kalo x aku tido sorg malam2...huuuuuuu.Dan sekarang ni die maintain gebus hokeh,,lagi bertambah2 ade kot...since my parents x sampai hati nk tgk muke 5 sen die..so bagi jer la ape die nak...(well, ops merajuk die kire berjaye ler jugak kan)...cuba kalo kite try lari rumah seminggu pastu balik caca merba,,mau x kena marah..hahahha)
Friday, September 23, 2011
My Soon to be Husband is my BFF but...
- We went shopping together (he loves shopping more than I do)..and he is definitely the best shopping buddy I could ever ask for
- We went fishing together (well, at least he is fishing, I just duduk dkt jetty gobble up all the junk food we brought) ..=P
- We eat a lot! (like seriously a lot)..
- We change Tshirt (well, I rembat from his almari actually) just like BFF does...=D
- We gossip about people surrounding us (He is good in kutuk2 part, like a true girly girl)
- We korek jerawat each other, wax the ear,..even to the point who is gassier and bole terbelahak lagi kuat..
- He cooks for me (I`m a BAD cook, seriously I cant even masak nasi with right amount of water and rice!)..=}
- ...and so on...
- Call each other names, a bad ones (mangkuk, badak.monyet)
- Instead of I/U, lalink/Bucuk..sometimes we went for aku/kau
- I tend to turn to him everytime I nk kutuk sesiapa (and him only, nobody else knows ), so all my past BFF mmg I xde update ape2 da..
- So when he wasnt there for me (bz,outstation) and my girl BFF is not as comforting as him, my expectation of my girl bff is higher (wgich is ridiculous, sebab die tak di update langsung), so this is not good for our girly BFF relationship..=(
- I even kutuk him to my event planner!! (I use to tell Mamat/mangkuk ni mmg super cerewet, its hard to please him, I cant take it anymore and stuff...)
- Bile da suke bergossip, I lupe yg GUY normally dont gossip (so rasenye aku sindri yg merendahkan martabat aku depan die kan as he will think this type of girl ke yg nak jadi bini aku)
- I critized his friend which I know is a big NO-NO , sape yg xtau kan, guys always adore their friend, who am I to interfere..At least he has a large group of friend and they grow up together and work at the same place AND NOT A BIG LOSER YG LONELY..=P
- He use to tell me WE should stop talking in AKU/KAU language ( x sopan nk ckp mcm tu to our future husband kan)..=)
- After this while, bile we had a fight its always him that apologize first (eventho it is not his fault at all!)...I tend to merajuk and get mad over every single thing (once I get mad just because he`s late for our movie, walhal die lewat sebab he went to the cobbler first to pick up my shoes)...=|
- I think I should kurengkan my baran, since I should not get mad at my husband over small things rite..berdosa siot!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Truly Nyanyuk
I know I am so truly nyanyuk when:
p/s --> Aza, if u're reading this, where the hell are you?? aku ym x reply, call x angkat, msg x reply..i`m getting worried here, like seriously! We were supposed to view my potential house this weekend REMEMBER?? So better ko jgn menghilangkan diri!!...Call me ASAP!..=P
- I kept coming back home to Nilai when everybody else xde rumah (no Trex, no parents..)
- The morning after aku balik rumah yg xde org..my parents balik kg whatsoever...I called my mum and ask "Mana nk carik nasi lemak ek kt sni?" What the ****?? Its my hometown kot!
- I kept forgetting nama jalan to go to Aza house..last time I asked her.."Weh, ape nama jalan tempat ko yg ade nama kawi kawi tuh??" And she replied "Hangguk ko kawi kawi, BAKAWALI la!!"" Serius wehh!!
- I kept forgetting Trex number! My parents, even QIda pon..lagi weh..definitely no clue at all!!
- When we're together and I`m the one yg drive..I kept asking Trex " Betul ke jalan ni" thousands time..huuuu
- And so on..byk lagi..but u get my point rite?
p/s --> Aza, if u're reading this, where the hell are you?? aku ym x reply, call x angkat, msg x reply..i`m getting worried here, like seriously! We were supposed to view my potential house this weekend REMEMBER?? So better ko jgn menghilangkan diri!!...Call me ASAP!..=P
Friday, September 9, 2011
Racun anjing gile ?
Well, I'll be coming home today, with sumthing very big in my mind,,(berlegar2 di kepalaku sampai tak bole tido!!)..Camni, since Trex still tak puas hati dgn anjing yg kokak Gay2 die, so he`s been thinking of poisoning them. Ni bukan kejam since mmg dalam hadis ade kate we should bunuh anjing yg giler mengigit atau ade rabies...
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh Bapak Kiyai Pengasuh Ponpes Virtual Ykh. Saya ingin menanyakan beberapa hal :
1. Jenis binatang yang boleh dibunuh.
2. Sehubungan ada kasus ditempat saya mengenai pembasmian anjing. Namun ada pendapat yang satu membolehkan dan kelompok lain menentang. Untuk itu saya mohon penjelasan yang sejelas-jelasnya sesuai ketentuan syar'i serta alasan kapan ia boleh dan pada kondisi yang bagaimana tidak diperbolehkan dibunuh. Jazakallahu khairon katsiro' Wass. Wr.Wb
Jawab :
(1) - Para Ulama membuat beberapa kategori hewan dalam konteks boleh tidaknya dibunuh, sebagai berikut : 1) Hewan bernaluri buas, berpopulasi di tempat yang jauh dari kehidupan manusia, seperti binatang buas yang hidup di hutan belantara dan di gurun atau di pegunungan. Hewan jenis ini boleh dibunuh untuk, misalnya untuk menghilangkan ancamannya atau untuk dimanfaatkan anggotanya badannya, seperti untuk diambil kulitnya.
2) hewan yang tidak bernaluri buas, namun bisa menjadi buas kalau diganggu, seperti anjing dan kucing. Hewan jenis ini bila membahayakan atau mengganggu ketertiban umum, bisa dibunuh, seperti anjing yang menyerang orang, atau anjing gila, atau kucing yang memangsa hewan ternak dan piaraan....
Source from:http://www.pesantrenvirtual.com
Tapi bile fikir balik, x sampai hati lak..Trex lain cter sebab die lelaki, mmg da sah2 xde dasar kemanusiaan, plus kucing die lak yg kena kan,,so lagi la die x rase kesian..(sampai aku kena ugut die lak --> U brani buat anjing tu, I cepuk u!!) Well, atas dasar syg, die x buat...
Tapi after a few days, die nampak depress, I mean of course kot, hati tgh panas, tp hati awek nk kena jaga gak kan, kang x kawin kang..kah3.=P
So selepas berfikir panjang, aku rase go on je la,guna cara yg paling lembut, iaitu meracuni haiwan tersebut...xyah la pukul2 sume,seksa anjing tu..at least kalo racun straight to Rahmatullah kan..
Tapi tgk la dlu..fikir2 dlu (I told u, this thing dah berlegar2 di kepala, serba salah nk decide camne!!)
So meanwhile, this weekend Trex nk pindah rumah, die xmo duk rumah tu dah, lots of memoris with Gay2 katenye..skg ni pon die cuma balik tuk tidur..which mean he'll be back early morning around 2 am and wake up at 8 am then trus g keje. Which is a pity since he is lack of rest. KESIAN KAN...
So suruh je la die pindah secepat mungkin and hope he`ll be OK from his depress. sebab KITE AKAN KAWIN IN 2 MTHS N 2 DAYS SAYANG!!! Heck byk lagi benda x siap ni!! So u better be OK cepat or else I`ll do things my way and jgn complaint if every single pieces of kain and carpet in oUr house jadi kaler PINK!!.Sebab bile mu emo gua akan emo gak, and I`m gonna made up by buying a lot of pink stuff which I know u hate it to death!!.So if u`re reading this sayang, THIS IS A UGUTAN!!..=D
Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh Bapak Kiyai Pengasuh Ponpes Virtual Ykh. Saya ingin menanyakan beberapa hal :
1. Jenis binatang yang boleh dibunuh.
2. Sehubungan ada kasus ditempat saya mengenai pembasmian anjing. Namun ada pendapat yang satu membolehkan dan kelompok lain menentang. Untuk itu saya mohon penjelasan yang sejelas-jelasnya sesuai ketentuan syar'i serta alasan kapan ia boleh dan pada kondisi yang bagaimana tidak diperbolehkan dibunuh. Jazakallahu khairon katsiro' Wass. Wr.Wb
Jawab :
(1) - Para Ulama membuat beberapa kategori hewan dalam konteks boleh tidaknya dibunuh, sebagai berikut : 1) Hewan bernaluri buas, berpopulasi di tempat yang jauh dari kehidupan manusia, seperti binatang buas yang hidup di hutan belantara dan di gurun atau di pegunungan. Hewan jenis ini boleh dibunuh untuk, misalnya untuk menghilangkan ancamannya atau untuk dimanfaatkan anggotanya badannya, seperti untuk diambil kulitnya.
2) hewan yang tidak bernaluri buas, namun bisa menjadi buas kalau diganggu, seperti anjing dan kucing. Hewan jenis ini bila membahayakan atau mengganggu ketertiban umum, bisa dibunuh, seperti anjing yang menyerang orang, atau anjing gila, atau kucing yang memangsa hewan ternak dan piaraan....
Source from:http://www.pesantrenvirtual.com
Tapi bile fikir balik, x sampai hati lak..Trex lain cter sebab die lelaki, mmg da sah2 xde dasar kemanusiaan, plus kucing die lak yg kena kan,,so lagi la die x rase kesian..(sampai aku kena ugut die lak --> U brani buat anjing tu, I cepuk u!!) Well, atas dasar syg, die x buat...
Tapi after a few days, die nampak depress, I mean of course kot, hati tgh panas, tp hati awek nk kena jaga gak kan, kang x kawin kang..kah3.=P
So selepas berfikir panjang, aku rase go on je la,guna cara yg paling lembut, iaitu meracuni haiwan tersebut...xyah la pukul2 sume,seksa anjing tu..at least kalo racun straight to Rahmatullah kan..
Tapi tgk la dlu..fikir2 dlu (I told u, this thing dah berlegar2 di kepala, serba salah nk decide camne!!)
So meanwhile, this weekend Trex nk pindah rumah, die xmo duk rumah tu dah, lots of memoris with Gay2 katenye..skg ni pon die cuma balik tuk tidur..which mean he'll be back early morning around 2 am and wake up at 8 am then trus g keje. Which is a pity since he is lack of rest. KESIAN KAN...
So suruh je la die pindah secepat mungkin and hope he`ll be OK from his depress. sebab KITE AKAN KAWIN IN 2 MTHS N 2 DAYS SAYANG!!! Heck byk lagi benda x siap ni!! So u better be OK cepat or else I`ll do things my way and jgn complaint if every single pieces of kain and carpet in oUr house jadi kaler PINK!!.Sebab bile mu emo gua akan emo gak, and I`m gonna made up by buying a lot of pink stuff which I know u hate it to death!!.So if u`re reading this sayang, THIS IS A UGUTAN!!..=D
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Tribute to Gay2
So I went back to Nilai yesterday after work, reach around sevenish, isi perut dlu (makan itu penting!), then we carik kotak utk letak jasad Gay2, since the one i brought is way too kecik (da lama x jumpa so I lost track how big he is now, no one can blame me rite??), lepas jumpe kotak went straight to Klia kuarters, (since kat sana mmg banyak tanah perkuburan kucing (cewaahh), to be exact kat blakang rumah bff Trex je pon iaitu Ozzy Shah (thx weh, really appreciate it!)...Ozzy came and tlg mencangkul which is great, since I can only tgk je la (nk hayun cangkuk pun x larat kan..=D)...
At first Trex start cangkul dlu, but since he is still in his office attire (die lupa nk tukar ke sumthing more casual, which is totally understandable..siapa yg igt kan bile tgh sedih..), so Ozzy offered to help.
Meanwhile Trex start masukkan jasad Gay2 dalam kotak, and letak2 elok2 so that the body wont slip and muat2 je dalam kotak..time ni mmg sedey gile, bukan saje sedey sebab kucing tu kite pernah syg, but bile tgk org yg kite syg was trying so hard to hold back his tears..i feel so helpless, seriously!! I dunno how to react so i kept telling him Be strong syg, again and again..sumpah weh aku x tau nk respond camne!!!
I was so damn close to tears when i`m about to tutup the kotak yg ade jasad Gay2, but Trex tepis tangan I and bukak balik the kotak and kept saying "Kucing I da besar da sambil belai2 the body as above" then he said again "tapi kucing i da mati"...wat the f***!!!. Sedey gile weh!!! Mmg time ni die da mengalir air mata, but he wont look at me, pandang bawah jek..Aku time ni mmg rase terpinggir giler kot! Bangang weh, he`s in deep pain, but he tak hingin share wit me at all!! Mmg sedih...huuuuuuuu..so sgt sedih bila melihat die begitu...=(
Finally jasad Gay2 pon tertanam dgn selamatnye...=) but with a lot of drama la (of coz me and Ozzy buat2 x tau and buat slamber jek).... Then habis sume, Trex cakap die x rasa nk balik rumah pon, since the rumah is full with memories of Gay2, that he`ll be sad bile tgk brg2 Gay2...so aku pon teman la die smalaman (evento aku sehelai sepinggang nih balik Nilai). Then kitaorg balik rumah die kejap, I amik brg2 Gay2 then sumbat dlm kereta (so that die x terasa lost sgt, sebab brg Gay2 da xde kan..he3)...
Moral of the story: Gay2 is so lucky to have Trex as his owner..he stayed by his side till the end, burried him properly and swear to his body that he will revenge (hokeh, part ni mmg hagak seram, xyah kot nk balas dendam sume, anjing mana de akal kan, da fitrah anjing dgn kucing x pernah ngam)..huuuu..=(..
Tak ku sangka Trex ku yg kelihatan gagah perkasa dan brutal ni lembut hati dan penyayang sebenarnya..=)
p/s--> Sebelum tinggalkan kubur Gay2, Trex said "Bye syg, aku sumpah aku akan balas dendam kat anjing yg wat buat ko macam ni, itu janji aku kat ko"..xtau nk sedih ke nak seram...=|..(sambil bayangkan kalo aku yg ter-LENYEKKAN kucing die..)
At first Trex start cangkul dlu, but since he is still in his office attire (die lupa nk tukar ke sumthing more casual, which is totally understandable..siapa yg igt kan bile tgh sedih..), so Ozzy offered to help.
Meanwhile Trex start masukkan jasad Gay2 dalam kotak, and letak2 elok2 so that the body wont slip and muat2 je dalam kotak..time ni mmg sedey gile, bukan saje sedey sebab kucing tu kite pernah syg, but bile tgk org yg kite syg was trying so hard to hold back his tears..i feel so helpless, seriously!! I dunno how to react so i kept telling him Be strong syg, again and again..sumpah weh aku x tau nk respond camne!!!
Finally jasad Gay2 pon tertanam dgn selamatnye...=) but with a lot of drama la (of coz me and Ozzy buat2 x tau and buat slamber jek).... Then habis sume, Trex cakap die x rasa nk balik rumah pon, since the rumah is full with memories of Gay2, that he`ll be sad bile tgk brg2 Gay2...so aku pon teman la die smalaman (evento aku sehelai sepinggang nih balik Nilai). Then kitaorg balik rumah die kejap, I amik brg2 Gay2 then sumbat dlm kereta (so that die x terasa lost sgt, sebab brg Gay2 da xde kan..he3)...
Moral of the story: Gay2 is so lucky to have Trex as his owner..he stayed by his side till the end, burried him properly and swear to his body that he will revenge (hokeh, part ni mmg hagak seram, xyah kot nk balas dendam sume, anjing mana de akal kan, da fitrah anjing dgn kucing x pernah ngam)..huuuu..=(..
Tak ku sangka Trex ku yg kelihatan gagah perkasa dan brutal ni lembut hati dan penyayang sebenarnya..=)
p/s--> Sebelum tinggalkan kubur Gay2, Trex said "Bye syg, aku sumpah aku akan balas dendam kat anjing yg wat buat ko macam ni, itu janji aku kat ko"..xtau nk sedih ke nak seram...=|..(sambil bayangkan kalo aku yg ter-LENYEKKAN kucing die..)
Skg rase nyesal lak slalu jeles dgn kucing nih...=(
I`m so sorry Gay2, rest in peace...=(
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
My Trex kitty passed away this morning..
He was bitten by dogss (bangang punye anjing!)..masa Trex realize die kena gigit anjing pon, he was wayyyy to weak to stand up, bleeding to death, which rasanye should be painful and slow death..=`(.
I guess it will be hard on Trex since he adores Gay2 so much, and it is harder for me to see him in that condition...I was close to tears when Trex said he havent buried Gay2 yet, instead he put Gay2 inside his car and take him along to work...which make me wanna yell, WEY,I`M HERE, PLEASE DONT BE SAD,I'LL REPLACE UR GAY2..huuuuuuuuu...
So i guess i`ll be leaving for Nilai this eve, to be by his side and make sure he tanam Gay2...=).
Alfatihah, kucing pon makhluk ciptaan Tuhan gak kan, x salah sedekahkan al fatihah utk die..
So for Gay2, thx for the smile u have brought to my Trex, Trex adores u so much and he was soo happy having u as his kitty,walaupon sekejap..but we will treasure the moment..
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Our last picture together |
He was bitten by dogss (bangang punye anjing!)..masa Trex realize die kena gigit anjing pon, he was wayyyy to weak to stand up, bleeding to death, which rasanye should be painful and slow death..=`(.
I guess it will be hard on Trex since he adores Gay2 so much, and it is harder for me to see him in that condition...I was close to tears when Trex said he havent buried Gay2 yet, instead he put Gay2 inside his car and take him along to work...which make me wanna yell, WEY,I`M HERE, PLEASE DONT BE SAD,I'LL REPLACE UR GAY2..huuuuuuuuu...
So i guess i`ll be leaving for Nilai this eve, to be by his side and make sure he tanam Gay2...=).
Alfatihah, kucing pon makhluk ciptaan Tuhan gak kan, x salah sedekahkan al fatihah utk die..
So for Gay2, thx for the smile u have brought to my Trex, Trex adores u so much and he was soo happy having u as his kitty,walaupon sekejap..but we will treasure the moment..
Our Last Raye as a BACHELOR!!
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Somewhere in Kulai |
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Somewhere in Nilai |
Well, we spent 5 days apart, (mcm x pernah berjauhan la sebelum ni, wakakah)...lots of video call,touching2 moments...hagak hemotional kerana tidak dapat berjumpa, selalunye raye ke-3 camtu dpt raye same, kali ni tak dpt memandangkan ade mahkluk cuti lamer gileww x hengat dunia)..but once we met, he got me this, which is so cweeeettt..macihhhhhh...
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Cute tapi x lama lagi hitam la tu, x reti daku nk jaga benda putih ni..=P |
Friday, August 19, 2011
Orang kata kalau BF/Tunang kite, jari kelingkingnye muat pakai cincin kite, so maksudnya die adalah JODOH kite, tapi.....
Muat separuh je kot! Sedih gileww. shangat x romantik ye!!
- I am so grateful I got my dream ring! (eventho I have to whine to him, mmg gile babun nye aku kena whine, he said the 'batu' is wayyyy to big for my jari yg tulang temulang aje, plus the price is so ****, but in the end he still bought it after I rasuah him a PS3 and guitar hero for his hantaran, bear in mind harga sgt jauh beza, tapi at least la kan...=P, its a good deal for me btw...)
- I definitely heart this ring, macih sayang..waaaa, sejak dari tunang lagi i da termimpi2 cincin ini! And I got it!!!
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Source from InStyle Wedding..=) |
- Xtau la aku ni mmg gile cincin ke ape, selalunye kalau tunang dpt cincin, masa nikah org bagi benda lain pulak kan, tapi aku bole terhegeh2 nak cincin gak..bajet diri ini adalah sotong di mana saya ade byk sesungut dan boleh dipakai di mana2 sesungut...=)
- For his cincin, I customize and design myself (of course si kaki cerewet itu terlibat jugak, but since I yg buat final draft, so I tukar je balik according to my SATISFACTION). So sayang if u read this,u buat2 x nampak je la ek part nih..=P
- So its been a month since I submit final draft, lepas raya da bole amik, hopefully lawa, kalau tidak mati aku!
- The best part isssss.....bile aku customize his cincin, tgk harga bole dapat lagi murah bile buat couple ring, so apelagi..tanpa segan silu mengofferkan diri sendiri satu bentuk cincin lagi..(well, he did ask, technically...dia kata--> buat sepasang pon lawa gak, kite buat sepasang la)...kah3000...I TOLD U AKU TGH ANGAU PASAL CINCIN!
- So technically i`ll be having 2 bentuk cincin for nikah which i have no idea nak pakai bile.(giler tamak haloba)...huhu..despite of that he's been telling me--> u better wear that **** ring coz i've spent so much on it...ok,,ok fine...i'll definitely akan pakai!
- He's been a bit bengang bile last time HABIB ade promotion gile2 punye and i tersangkut kat satu cincin ni, and I ask him to bought it for me as an early birthday gift (for next year)...die pandang gua semacam weh, the look like --> WHAT THE HECK WITH THIS PEREMPUAN, I BOUGHT HER TWO RINGS ALREADY!! look..so still my point is bile masa lak la aku minat benda alah kecik tapi mahal ni!! dulu x pandang kot!! People changed rite....=)
- Oh btw i didnt bought his guitar hero yet! Sayang, wat about i bought it for ur bday instead?? hik3...(i'm not a liar, just postphoning it a little BIT...), well, i got u something else for ur hantaran k..u got the ps3 already kan...hak4...=D..The very the bz,i cant seem to syncronize our schedule, since I still need ur aproval to choose your GH,,it is only two more months and there r still a lot of other things yg need our attention more..=)..hope u will understand, my dear darlink.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Mimpi je?
Ok,pagi tadi lepas sahur bajet nk tido balik ar, dalam 45 minit camtu..tido punye tido..set jam dalam 6.30 gitu..bangun, siap2 g mandi sume, pakai baju dah nak kuar rumah rumah sume, sekali baru tersedar tido..mimpi je tadi? MIMPI JEKK?? apekah?? so pointnye aku terjaga dlm kul 6.50 pagi..bukan saje terlambat tetapi juga termiss Subuh ye tuan-tuan dan puan-puan...*sighhhhh...org len bulan Ramadhan lagi nk tambah amal ibadah, aku lagi nk miss solat..sadisss...=(
Oh,terima kasih kepada mamat ni jugak, sebab die aku terbangun AWAL dan x cukup tido..ok fine.FINEEEE!!
Oh,terima kasih kepada mamat ni jugak, sebab die aku terbangun AWAL dan x cukup tido..ok fine.FINEEEE!!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Ok fine, pagi tadi panaskan ikan keli sambal semalam (beli kat bazaar bukan masak)...bole la pulak rentung ikan keli aku..cis! ok fine.OK FINE....nasib bek ade housemate makan sambal gak,so terpaksa la pau..huuuu..sadis tul, panaskan ikan sambal pon ble rentung...=,(
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Double chin???
Monday, July 25, 2011
Dear God, i am so thankful for blessing me with my tweety.
Dear Tweety, i am so touched by ur LURRRVEEEE, u were there anywhere,anytime i need u...
Dear Tweety, i am so touched by ur LURRRVEEEE, u were there anywhere,anytime i need u...
- TQ for every meal u ever cooked for me
- TQ for every tears u ever shed for me..i am so touch every time u mengalirkan ur airmata jantan for me...(hik3),ESPECIALLY during the proposal!! =)
- TQ so much, as u just proved how much devoted u r to me..
- TQ so much for sacrificing on ur time for me(perghh, yang ni mmg x bole blah, u are the best!! )
- TQ for giving me strength to move on..
- TQ for all the laugh dan cries we share together!!!
- TQ for every thing u ever spent on me =)
- TQ for seeing me in my worst moment n still able to say 'I lap u, x kisah la u camne pon, i still syg u sorg..=P'
- TQ for not getting mad at me for every bad thing i ever did (this applies to urself and u buddies...=P)
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-best spageti pizza i ever taste- |
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-gay gay (the son)- |
Monday, July 4, 2011
4 more months!!! =P
Its been hectic lately,so many things to do, so many heart to take care of...but we'll survive it rite sayang..its been gloomy since the day we have to part tp sabau je la..x lama da pon till kite akan disatukan..i am soooo looking for it to be by ur side 24/7...=)
So we had a fun weekend..(again...=P)...transformers, spend most of the time hovering around in his place..(semenjak ade apartment sindri ni suke lak port tempat die)...hik3...
Went back to Nilai on Friday eve, had dinner with Trex, we had the most fabulous bubur in the world...(Amira Seafood), sape2 yg datang BBN, sila la berkunjung ke kedai ni dan try bubur berlauk die...perghh,mmg layan..even Jalan2 Cari Makan pun pernah sampai sini, mmg terbaekk..then on Sat morning, jumpa Grace(our baju nikah designer),,utk amik measurement... for me jek...him? die xnak measure dlu,nk tunggu pas raya, takut body mengembang /mengecut..kih3...totally lega sebab da dapat baju nikah plus baju sanding skali...!!! yeaaaaayyy..thx yayang, i lap u so much! then habis discussion around 12 kot,, port McD lak, usha brg hantaran,ade yg x cukup lagi..(hbags n his stuff)...usha tenet jap,,kah3..almaklum pemalas, so sume nk on9 jek..kredit n sampai,,senang kan..otw balik ke apartment die, nampak lak ade org jual durian,,ehemm,,,ade org ngidam lak, so singgah la jap..balik..move on to our next project,spagetti time,,it is suppose to be my turn cooking (last week he cook for me)..he helped me a lot of course (I SUCK AT COOKING!)...
Nite time is Transformers time..!! show start at 8.45, habis at 11 sumthing...totally 5 stars!!! i love it so much..x sabar nk tunggu dvd die kuar nnt...!! .=P..hopefully ade blueray gak...lg best!!!...Then aroound 12 kot, g supper bihun sup..(downtown)..balik kul 3/4 kot..trus terbongkang..huuuuuuu....so dats how we spend our saturday..sunday lak nnt la next entry kot..(da malas nk type...hik3)
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Beli utk Gaygay tp die yg main..hmmm |
Went back to Nilai on Friday eve, had dinner with Trex, we had the most fabulous bubur in the world...(Amira Seafood), sape2 yg datang BBN, sila la berkunjung ke kedai ni dan try bubur berlauk die...perghh,mmg layan..even Jalan2 Cari Makan pun pernah sampai sini, mmg terbaekk..then on Sat morning, jumpa Grace(our baju nikah designer),,utk amik measurement... for me jek...him? die xnak measure dlu,nk tunggu pas raya, takut body mengembang /mengecut..kih3...totally lega sebab da dapat baju nikah plus baju sanding skali...!!! yeaaaaayyy..thx yayang, i lap u so much! then habis discussion around 12 kot,, port McD lak, usha brg hantaran,ade yg x cukup lagi..(hbags n his stuff)...usha tenet jap,,kah3..almaklum pemalas, so sume nk on9 jek..kredit n sampai,,senang kan..otw balik ke apartment die, nampak lak ade org jual durian,,ehemm,,,ade org ngidam lak, so singgah la jap..balik..move on to our next project,spagetti time,,it is suppose to be my turn cooking (last week he cook for me)..he helped me a lot of course (I SUCK AT COOKING!)...
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tunang mithali...=P |
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i am so proud of my spagetti..wakakah.. |
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Da halfway br teringat nk letak herbs die..huhuhu |
Monday, June 20, 2011
Sweet Cempedak..from his dapur...
The sweetest thing he ever did was .....jeng jeng jenggg.....he goreng-ed me a cempedak goreng since i've been craving for one since last month (tapi x jumpe2 sebab bukan musim cempedak kot)...well, nobody can surprise me as much as he did..i lap u gebusss!!!
p/s--> Walaupon cempedak goreng tu lebey tepung dari cempedaknya, i still like it..(considering die x pernah menggoreng sebelum ni..) =P
p/s--> Walaupon cempedak goreng tu lebey tepung dari cempedaknya, i still like it..(considering die x pernah menggoreng sebelum ni..) =P
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Cempedak ni ade 2 ulas je kot memula,,hampehh |
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Terlebey tepung..=P |
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ehemmm, kunun cam terer..=P |
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x sure ape die nak buat sebenarnya.=D |
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THE RESULT...am so proud of u sayang.=) |
Monday, June 6, 2011
Somebody just made my day today..terasa segala penat lelah for the past few days berbaloi-baloi..hak4...ucapan TQ yang diucapkan oleh The Great Ikhwan Hayat and seeing his smiley face made the segala penat lelah terasa sgt2 berbaloi..=D...u just made my day...=))))).
p/s -- x sia2 aku patah balik dr Nilai semata2 tutttttt......hak4...=P
p/s -- x sia2 aku patah balik dr Nilai semata2 tutttttt......hak4...=P
Monday, April 11, 2011
Back off la b****!!
Susah tol org x reti bahasa nih, aku da tunang weh! Bukannye mcm zaman2 single lagi.da separuh jadi hak orang kot, so kalo aku lepak dgn ko tu jaga la skit perangai tu, xpayah la nk menggatal,,terpegang sana terpegang sni,BANGANG!!!! Lepas tu bole lak suruh aku pakai seksi2...BODOH!... xde keje aku nk melaram dgn ko, x guna tanya body dkt org yg x memiliki body ini(hahahhaa)...Weh, aku x heran la ko drebar airbus ka hapa ka,mcm aku heran sgt, kalo ko hebat sgt pergi r carik awek lain weh,yg ko terhegeh2 nk keja aku lg apedehal!! Lainkali weh kalo nk tgk wayang ke hape, tolong ar weh, x payah le nk buat2 bodo terbook couple seat la ape la, bangang..ko x malu ke weh kuar dgn tunang org pastu niat nak menggatal,ape ko ni sangap sgt ke???? BANGANG!!! Hey ko dgn sni elok2, sampai mati,sampai jantung aku stop berdenyut hati,cinta dan body aku hanya utk TREX RADZI,..so ko boleh berambus la weh..nyesal aku layan sms ko, tau x..niat aku nk berkawan je, tp ko bole perasann pulak kan..KESIANNNNNN...
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The one and only..=) |
Monday, January 3, 2011
Its a New Year!!!
Well, new day come with a resolution, so my resolution for this year would be.....blank..........
- shopping kot (i need to shop more...byk baju da worn out)
- spend less time worrying about Trex (well, its a long distance relationship, i hardly trust him before..=O)
- stop bugging Trex ( ya ya, i wont do that kind of "You better speed to Subang in a hour or u dont love me anymore" anymore...hak3..sorry, kesian kamu kan ade tunang super emo....=P)
- enjoy every second of my life ( kepada sesape yg sebaya saya, wuiihh, tahun ni kite da suku abad woitt )
- I want to learn to sayang Trex very much this year (bukan la x syg sebelum ni, cuma kalo gado asik nk menang jek..typical selfish,nk wat camno, disadvantage of being the youngest of 2,,so i`ll try to bertolak ansur this year....=) )
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